Who is Hyacinth Inspirations?

Hello. I’m Gina. I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to check out my bio, and to give you a reason to want to read about what I am doing.

Obviously, my main passion is needle and thread. I have been stitching since before I can remember and have taught embroidery for years.. My embroidery has won many ribbons and awards, I have been asked to display pieces at national exhibits, and I have pieces in the collections of two small museums, Sulgrave Manor in the UK and the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Museum. I have been asked to teach at Callaway Gardens.

I am currently a juried member of Fiber Forum, an artists’ group for embroidery. My pieces that won me this honor are in the gallery. I am working on my Master Craftsman exams for the Embroiderer’s Guild of America in both color (working on my final exam!) and surface work. I want to earn a MC in more subjects, but I have given my family strict orders not to let me.

Currently, I am working on embroidery that changes as it unfolds. I am on a small crusade to have embroidery accepted as Needle Art, and moved into the ‘fine art’ category.

I live in Buffalo, NY with my husband and son. We spend some time on the schoolbus my husband is making into an RV, homeschooling, cooking, preserving and eating, playing games, reading, writing and crafts.

and buy hyacinths to feed my soul…

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